Easily keep up with your Pet’s Prescriptions.
Heel! is a comprehensive pet medication reminder app that allows you to keep up with your pet’s prescription, dosage, and how often they need it. Set convenient reminders so that you are notified when you need to give your pet their next dose.
Reminder Sharing for all Pet Caretakers.
The phrase “it takes a village” applies to taking care of pets too. Whether you share responsibility with a family member, have a pet sitter, or are boarding your pet, Heel! allows all caretakers to receive notifications regarding your pet’s medication schedule. You can even check in remotely to see that your pets’ needs are being met.
Submit Prescription Refill Requests.
No need to call or bring your pet to the vet simply to refill a prescription. You can submit a refill request directly to your vet through our pet medication reminder app. With the touch of a button, you can ensure you never miss a dose of your pet’s medication.
Maintain Open Communication with your Veterinarian.
Working with your vet doesn’t stop when you leave their office. If your veterinarian is part of the Heel! network, they can check in and review or update your pet’s medication schedule.
Real-Time Updates to your Pet’s Plan
of Care.
Your vet can send you real-time updates regarding your pet’s medications, therapy details, and overall care through the app. They will also be able to see when you say you’ve given your pet their medication to ensure that they are being treated effectively.
Review Pet Medical Records.
Heel! offers you one centralized place for all information about your pet’s health. You will have access to their medical records so you can review every detail regarding your pet’s overall health.